Areas of Expertise - Danglo and Prieto Mining
Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Maxbizz is a values-driven consulting agency dedicated.




411 University St, Seattle

Areas of Expertise And Companies

We have the following areas of Expertise in Danglo and Prieto Mining, all those areas are actually operating in South Africa and Mozambique also we have relationship with other countries around the world as well.


Mining Sector

We are designed to work with small miners to help them exchange sales of their mineral resources to buyers who import and export mineral resources in the world safely and confidently in a professional and ethical manner. entrepreneurs in both parts who respect the ethics and commercial guidelines of South Africa and Africa in general in the mining sector, obeying all internal and external regulations Approved by regulators in the mining sector. In the commercialization of mineral resources such as:

  • 1. Precious metals 
  • 2. Precious stones

We also facilitates miners to acquire investments from our investing partners and platforms for their small mines with security for both parties by making partnership with us.

Trade Mining


We launched our digital currency now traded in market. Where buyers and investors are welcome to invest in our brand Danglo And Prieto Mining in cryptocurrency sector.

  • Dapmcoin Is Cryptocurrency
  • DPCN  is a decentralized currency. Or digital asset. DPCN has the same structures and uses as a digital currency or decentralized virtual money.  

Currently found and created on the Ethereum Blockchain platform. DPCN can be traded and transferred around the world by using this asset for cross border payments In all cryptocurrency Exchanges that lists the coin. DAPMCOIN  Was created by Danglo And Prieto Mining

  • Cryptocurrency DAPM
Ballasted with gold and minerals resources with various businesses inside Danglo And Prieto Mining. Purchase shares of these projects by purchasing the currency (DPCN). Dapmcoin a decentralized cryptocurrency, In other words, a decentralized currency created for public use that can be used in any country around the world for the use of any financial transaction.




Agriculture is the first activity practiced by the human race. Our brand has acquired spaces for the practice of agricultural technological in Mozambique and planning to enter in other countries. Participating in the production of food products is the one of our missions. We believe that on the basis of agriculture we will be able to cooperate in the economic development of several countries in Africa in general.

Establishing a bilateral relationship with investors interested in agriculture is the one of our interests and focus because outside of acting in this market as farmers, we will be able to help small farmers to be well experienced farmers and also to produce more food for our African countries and allowing exchange by exporting our farming products to other countries abroad world.
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Fishing is the one of the most magnificent and solid business for the growth of any economy in any country.

In this field investors can invest with guarantees and solidity of earning profit because it is the low risk sector.

With fishing we cooperate in economic and sustainable development and in the production of food for our communities.

Us at Danglo And Prieto Mining we consider this sector as a very valuable sector for job creation and business opportunities, allowing eternal and external exchange in terms of import and export our fishing products.

Cooperation for food production is one of the goals that our brand has.

And we do not forget about preserving and protecting the environment. Obeying all the rules of this market and the legislators is our very and higher aim.

Adding knowledge in a sophisticated and technological way also interests us.
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Since our brand operates in agriculture, we consider it essential to bet on the master of livestock in a cyclical way. In this way, we interconnect the two inseparable branches in order to guarantee sustainability and support to both sectors thus creating solid businesses in a competitive way for the market. We cannot bet on agriculture without betting on livestock simultaneously.

Betting on sustainable and solid markets is the execution of the competitive plan for the growth of our brand. Is competing  in the market by creating solid businesses with few risks as always was been our biggest bet. We always bet on businesses that, if our investors and new investors analyzes they can understand the solidity of investing in our brand.

In this way we operate in livestock as well and is the one of our business.
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In Mozambique we have projects to produce eggs and chickens in high quantities. To supply the Internal and External market.

Our purpose is to cover the entire Internal and External markets, being both large and small markets simultaneously.

We have developed large projections in this field in order to produce chickens and eggs on a large scale to attend the market demands.

You can't talk about livestock without mentioning poultry farming and eggs production, these foods are being the most popularly consumed day by day with more consumers across the world and these products Chicken are not only used as food for humanity, but also for other animals.

This is one of our attractive projects to our investors to invest knowing that brand Danglo And Prieto Mining is more concerned in valued projects and businesses. That makes us a businesses opportunities and jobs creators.
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In Mozambique our brand has created opportunities within other businesses. 

In this case, through agriculture, we find another business opportunity that has to do with the sale and export of charcoal and firewood. Legalizing this market and also industrializing it in countries where we operate as one of our businesses is part of our projection.

Charcoal and firewood are basic products used domestically and in various industries sectors for decades. Therefore, the brand has explored this market in order to create more jobs and businesses opportunities.

We bet on sustainable business ramifications with low risks.

We created our own charcoal brand and our exclusive packaging on the market but our customers they can buy in high quantities from us as resellers we are open to supply.

In this way, investors can have another solid sector with less risk in our brand to invest in.
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Us at Danglo And Prieto Mining we consider it opportune to invest in several markets to provide more jobs to our people.

In this way, we have in our brand the sector of manufacture of blocks and bricks and other products manufactured on the basis of clay and cement.
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In our evolution and study that we did in the market in the same vision of creating more business and employment opportunities!

We choose to embrace the business of buying used or damaged cars and old cars for restoration.

After restoring the same we put the cars for sale and others we put them in rent market.

At the same time, we offer or provide damaged car restoration services to other customers as services.

This is yet another profitable business for our brand and for our growth and our sustainability. Thus aiming to generate good profits for the brand and for our investors.
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As much more as we implement our expansion strategies in the market we notice that one business generates another business.

Restored cars need painting this way the brand operates in the car painting business. And we offer the same painting services to our customers.

This sector is solid and if low risk. Our revenue in this field is shared with our investors. This is the one of our business and jobs generation opportunity as well.
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All cars need repair and maintenance services, they are machines.

As we are a brand that works with car restoration and painting, we feel the need to embrace the mechanics branch at the same time.

Our focus is always to create business opportunities and job opportunities.

We operate in mechanics and we offer mechanical services and electrification and car diagnosis.

Our customers, by trusting us in the fields of restoration & painting and maintenance together with the repair of their cars, they will be able to acquire all quality services from us with excellence.

Thus, we add another leadership in the creation of business and jobs. This benefits us and our investors.
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Our company always follows the high level and standard in terms of creating strongly solid and sustainable businesses.

Providing all services in the locksmith business is one of the opportunities for business and jobs creation  found by us in the market in this business.

We are also a metallurgical brand that offers metalworking services and manufactures various types of metal products for industries and home.
We have the best services and products.

Our tendency is not only to create business, but to do everything possible to offer the best services and products with excellence.

By guaranteeing our investors sustainability, it is due to the form and capacity to create and manage businesses that we have. We are a visionaries brand that unified several markets to become strong in the market Forever.
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We sell civil construction material and other materials manufactured by ourselves.

In the same dynamic of business and jobs creation. A business has formed a job and a job created us another business.

Commercialization of civil construction material generates more profits because every human being wants to have house build and the companies are also built on the basis of raw material that is civil construction material.

We operate in solid sectors, our coverage and operating markets are carefully selected to minimize risks and lost.
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To further solidify our ideas in the creation of various businesses and jobs. We could not forget three very important tools and factors.

  1. 1- Our televisions.
  2. 2- Our E-commerce
  3. 3- Our Super Markets

For a company that operates in different sectors with various services and products, it is necessary to have supermarkets to allow the efficient marketing and selling of its products and services in order to solidify its own brand and have a solid relationship with its customers.

In this way Danglo And Prieto Mining has its own project for super markets. Our projection is clear in the market.

Our sustainability is due to the way that our business and projects have been prepared and established in the market since 2010. We have a very strong plan in our projection, and in our market expansion.

And in the creation of jobs and businesses in several operational sectors. Our trend is very clear and transparent and solid. Because those creation of jobs and businesses is the result of the exchange that we have in the operation of the brand Danglo And Prieto Mining in different branches and sectors where we operate in.

Our investors, when analyzing and evaluating our projection up to those levels, can understand our vision with a wide magnitude that their investments are guaranteed in us. We have guaranteed solidity and sustainability businesses.
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