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Danglo And Prieto Mining
Is a South African Private Company Established since 2010 finalized all legal registration in 2016. Reg: 2016/429005/07
Now established and registered in Mozambique As Danglo And Prieto Mining Limitada Reg: 101249662. With worldwide relationship with different types of: Projects and Business inside our brand created by us.
We are so interested and projected for expanding worldwide creating business opportunities, and generating jobs.
Years of
Our objectives and commitments
We are interested and projected to expanding worldwide creating jobs e business opportunities for everyone around the world. Offering you our best products and services is our value and first priority. We build our relationship with high professionalism and excellence. We are proudly happy to welcome you to become our company team partner or Investors And Customer.
We are a Muli-Tasking Company. We Generate projects and Business opportunities to providing and generating jobs for our communities and our people! So with us you can work without worries and with quick allocation at any time in our companies.
We created a detailed businesses plans to start a new venture since 2010, which was about exporting diamond and gold worldwide. But from 2017 to 2021 we entered into others new businesses and opportunities.
Accounting & Finance
A great corporate strategy combines five elements: a bold yet realistic ambition, a carefully considered portfolio.
Management Skills
A great corporate strategy combines five elements: a bold yet realistic ambition, a carefully considered portfolio.
Business Planning
A great corporate strategy combines five elements: a bold yet realistic ambition, a carefully considered portfolio.
Our Skilled Leaders
We help you see the world differently, discover opportunities you may never have imagined and achieve results that bridge what is with what can be.